marți, 12 mai 2009

Small words

Humanity . Some say that humans are defined by two grand feelings , love and hatred . Some say that humans are a lot more complex than that , that they hold more mental power than any other forsaken creature on this planet . But let us watch humanity from another prism . Let us see how many events take place at the same time on this earth . Somewhere in this world , a woman is becoming a mother , a 5 year old black boy is being slaughtered , a couple is kissing , a break-up is taking place , 50 people see their death in front of their eyes , a business man looses everything while another human becomes rich , hunger and pandemia kills someone's kids , a girl suicides leaving behind a shattered family , war destroys minds , floods take theyr homes , alright , time to stop . Where am I getting here ? Try imagining yourself in all those situations . Do you really think that love and hatred are the only things that define us ? Have you felt the vortex yet ? If you haven't , either your IQ is too low or your imagination is too low on fuel . You see , he who reads this small article , humanity is beyond love and hatred , it is beyond just two feelings .

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