Am sa ajung sa-ti imbalsamez vocea , Puritao
Sa-ti pretuiesc sunetele suave
Ca pe un portativ scris de tine .
Tot timpul a fost de tine ...
M-ai sculptat in piatra dura
Unde m-ai gasit
Dar nu ti-a iesit ce ai vrut , Puritao
Asa ca m-ai aruncat in prapastie ...
duminică, 20 septembrie 2009
luni, 14 septembrie 2009
Vedere opaca
Intuneric chior , un bec care sta sa pocneasca si trei fiinte ingandurate . Toate intr-o camera intoarsa pe dos de Puritao . Pe geam se vede lumea arzand in flacari caprui si fum brunet . Masa si scaunele sunt singurele lucruri din camera care mai stau in picioare . Pe tavan se plimba o insecta de marimea unui cap uman care scuipa in continuare pe capul celui din dreapta mesei . Pe masa sunt asezate trei tigari aprinse , un caine de plus cu ochii ce atarna de atele sangerande si cusaturile sfasiate . Langa el , sta o cutiuta muzicala in perfecta stare cantand in surdina . Tom , cel scuipat pe cap de insecta ia cutiuta muzicala de pe masa si o saruta , in urmatorul moment aruncand-o de perete .
-E complet distrusa si continua sa cante ... spune Az , unul din cei doi din fata lui Tom .
-De ce continua sa cante ... Nu mai vreau sa cante !
Din cutiuta muzicala ce suna din ce in ce mai lenesa au iesit lanturi ce i-au intepat pieptul intrandu-i direct in inima lui Tom .
-M-am saturat sa vad asta iar si iar ...
Peretii camerei cazura la pamant parca striviti de pumnul lui Tom izbindu-se de masa , lasand exteriorul sa iasa la iveala . Dupa urletul de durere ce a rasunat omniprezent in lumea de afara , iadul si-a iesit din balamale si a inceput sa se reverse . Din cer a tasnit sangele negru si din pamant au iesit spini ce intrau prin inimile umane uscate transformate in nisip .
-Cat il va mai tine asa ? Replica Sam fara sa schiteze nici o emotie pe chipul sau sumbru .
Tom ridica ochii sangeranzi spre cei doi , presand inima pentru a lasa mai multa dragoste sa curga pe podea .
-Vreau sa se termine o data ...
Privind spre balta ce se umplea la picioarele sale ,Tom vazu chipul ei , chipul Puritatii , zambindu-i larg ca un ocean de mistere . Pupilele sangerande i se dilatara si lanturile luara foc in tip ce el privea in gol la chipul zambitor din balta ce s-a prefacut intr-un ocean . Esti prea oarba ca sa-ti dai seama .
-E complet distrusa si continua sa cante ... spune Az , unul din cei doi din fata lui Tom .
-De ce continua sa cante ... Nu mai vreau sa cante !
Din cutiuta muzicala ce suna din ce in ce mai lenesa au iesit lanturi ce i-au intepat pieptul intrandu-i direct in inima lui Tom .
-M-am saturat sa vad asta iar si iar ...
Peretii camerei cazura la pamant parca striviti de pumnul lui Tom izbindu-se de masa , lasand exteriorul sa iasa la iveala . Dupa urletul de durere ce a rasunat omniprezent in lumea de afara , iadul si-a iesit din balamale si a inceput sa se reverse . Din cer a tasnit sangele negru si din pamant au iesit spini ce intrau prin inimile umane uscate transformate in nisip .
-Cat il va mai tine asa ? Replica Sam fara sa schiteze nici o emotie pe chipul sau sumbru .
Tom ridica ochii sangeranzi spre cei doi , presand inima pentru a lasa mai multa dragoste sa curga pe podea .
-Vreau sa se termine o data ...
Privind spre balta ce se umplea la picioarele sale ,Tom vazu chipul ei , chipul Puritatii , zambindu-i larg ca un ocean de mistere . Pupilele sangerande i se dilatara si lanturile luara foc in tip ce el privea in gol la chipul zambitor din balta ce s-a prefacut intr-un ocean . Esti prea oarba ca sa-ti dai seama .
duminică, 6 septembrie 2009
Oh and how Tom was laughing while looking at his high friends doing the same thing . It was a relief , he wanted to stay in the same state longer , but it was of no use just wanting it . The passing by from the high state to normal was mostly instant , like hitting an unbreakable wall , actually breaking it .
-Guys , I gotta go to the other room and look for a light , I'll be right back .
After he said that , his friends we're looking at him like a pile of idiots sitting on top of eachother . The beauty sitting in front of him a minute ago was nothing , just an empty feather , like them all . He sat down on the bed and started thinking .
-Az , Sam , come over here .
-What would you like of us , master ?
-I just want to talk to someone I trust .
He said and sighed his pain out .
-I know what you're thinking boy .
Said Sam while giving Tom a small pat on the head .
-She is not going to give you any chances , remember that master .
-I know ...
-What are the odds of you giving up all these feelings ? Asked Az watching the boy thoughtful .
-There are no odds . There is no living chance of doing that , I know that for a start . It would be most wise to wait .
-I agree with you . If you have your little plan going , I guess it is best to follow that .
-I have a lot of patience my friends . I think I've had too much patience ... Have I , fellows ?
-Your patience is a gift , my friend . I am proud of what you can achieve .
-Very well , get going . Az , rest , I'll need your strength for what's coming to be . Sam ... take care of her , I want you to watch her and take good care of her .
-As you request .
Said the two and faded away in thin air . He knew that his mask won't last long , not anymore .
-Guys , I gotta go to the other room and look for a light , I'll be right back .
After he said that , his friends we're looking at him like a pile of idiots sitting on top of eachother . The beauty sitting in front of him a minute ago was nothing , just an empty feather , like them all . He sat down on the bed and started thinking .
-Az , Sam , come over here .
-What would you like of us , master ?
-I just want to talk to someone I trust .
He said and sighed his pain out .
-I know what you're thinking boy .
Said Sam while giving Tom a small pat on the head .
-She is not going to give you any chances , remember that master .
-I know ...
-What are the odds of you giving up all these feelings ? Asked Az watching the boy thoughtful .
-There are no odds . There is no living chance of doing that , I know that for a start . It would be most wise to wait .
-I agree with you . If you have your little plan going , I guess it is best to follow that .
-I have a lot of patience my friends . I think I've had too much patience ... Have I , fellows ?
-Your patience is a gift , my friend . I am proud of what you can achieve .
-Very well , get going . Az , rest , I'll need your strength for what's coming to be . Sam ... take care of her , I want you to watch her and take good care of her .
-As you request .
Said the two and faded away in thin air . He knew that his mask won't last long , not anymore .
vineri, 4 septembrie 2009
Ai venit , ca de obicei ,
Tu ce te numesti Sfarsit ,
Te-ai infipt in carnea-mi sangeranda
Si ai sapat atat de adanc incat mi-ai sfasiat sufletul ,
Sufletul ce acum se mananca pe dinauntru
Infometat de propriul gust
Se consuma pana va ramane praful , netrebnicule .
Nimicul va ramane si va dainui ,
Monarhul indurerat al dragostei ce odata a fost pura ,
Vreau sa o scuip afara si sa o calc in picioare ,
Dar e prea firava si inocenta ...
Ramai acolo , dragoste , cat inca iti mai pretuiesc
Momentele edenice pe care mi le-ai oferit .
Tu ce te numesti Sfarsit ,
Te-ai infipt in carnea-mi sangeranda
Si ai sapat atat de adanc incat mi-ai sfasiat sufletul ,
Sufletul ce acum se mananca pe dinauntru
Infometat de propriul gust
Se consuma pana va ramane praful , netrebnicule .
Nimicul va ramane si va dainui ,
Monarhul indurerat al dragostei ce odata a fost pura ,
Vreau sa o scuip afara si sa o calc in picioare ,
Dar e prea firava si inocenta ...
Ramai acolo , dragoste , cat inca iti mai pretuiesc
Momentele edenice pe care mi le-ai oferit .
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